Every year on Class Day, 世界杯app软件推荐通过各种部门和全校范围的奖项来表彰NDA学生的成就. Below, see the full list of awards, as well as the 2023 recipients.
奖 |
部门/ 提名 |
2023收件人(年代) |
The Katharine Forbes Erskine 奖 was created in 1990 to honor Katharine Forbes Erskine, Notre Dame Academy Honorary Trustee, on the occasion of her 100th birthday. 该奖项颁发给那些为他人的利益而参与重要工作并表现出对社会的特殊承诺的大三学生. |
宗教部门. |
外祖母Dugan |
The Sister Kathleen Doyle 奖 was established in 1991 in gratitude to Sr. 凯瑟琳为世界杯app软件推荐做出的贡献,并被授予在宗教研究方面取得成就的二年级学生, demonstrates quiet generosity to NDA, and can be relied upon by her classmates. |
宗教部门. |
卡罗琳·库克 |
Sr. Justina Daley Love in Action 奖 授予一位学生以表彰她对他人的服务以及她对世界杯app软件推荐使命的奉献. |
宗教部门. |
伊曼Dembele |
The Frances O’Keefe English 奖 成立于1995年,以纪念弗朗西斯·奥基夫对世界杯app软件推荐英语系的贡献. 该奖项旨在表彰最能表现出对文学的热爱的大四学生,这种热爱表现在语言能力和分析能力上. |
英语部门. |
伊娃拉森 |
The Frances Krauss Writing 奖 成立于2017年,以纪念弗朗西斯·克劳斯对英语系的贡献. 该奖项颁发给在写作方面表现出热情和成就的学生, both academically and creatively, and who plans to pursue some form of career in English, 沟通, 或媒体. |
英语部门. |
汉娜Rocheford |
The Lucius James Knowles Memorial 奖 成立于1981年,以纪念诺尔斯家族对伍斯特的贡献,并颁发给对历史研究有浓厚兴趣且在历史课程中表现出色的学生. |
Social Studies Dept. |
索非亚Acito |
Sr. Mary Elizabeth Broderick 奖 was established in 2006 to honor Sr. Mary Elizabeth SND for her 35 years of service to Notre Dame Academy. 该奖项旨在表彰在心理学研究中表现出卓越兴趣和成就的高年级学生. |
Social Studies Dept. |
玛德琳凯 |
The André de Coizart Medal of Honor 于1994年成立,以感谢受托人安德烈·德·科伊扎特对世界杯app软件推荐的慷慨捐助,并颁发给表现出卓越兴趣的学生, 努力工作, and dedication to the study of foreign language. |
World Languages Dept. |
Madeleine Langevin |
MaFLA证书由马萨诸塞州外语协会颁发,以表彰他们在学术上的卓越表现和在外语活动中的领导地位. |
World Languages Dept. |
MaFLA Excellence 奖: 索非亚Acito, Madeleine Langevin, 安东尼娅特 MaFLA Leadership 奖: 艾拉布拉德肖 |
Certificate of Completion - Global Perspective Studies 是颁发给成功完成全球定位系统计划七大支柱的学生. |
World Languages Dept. |
索非亚Acito |
Certificate of Completion - STEM 颁发给成功完成STEM卓越证书课程的学生. |
Science, Technology, Engineering, 数学部门s. |
Noosha Atoofi |
Certificate of Completion - Salisbury 艺术 颁发给成功完成索尔兹伯里艺术证书课程的学生 |
艺术部门. |
亚历山德拉布莱登带领一个 |
Theta奖 was established by the Mathematics Department in 1995. 该奖项旨在表彰那些发展了自己的数学能力并愿意通过同伴辅导分享这种能力的高年级学生. |
数学部门. |
蕾娜道尔 |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute awards a Certificate of Achievement 给在科学领域表现出成功潜力并在课堂上表现出高学术成就的大三学生. |
科学部门. |
塞西莉亚雅里 |
The University of Rochester awards a 博士伦 & LOMB Honorary Science 奖 通过学术表现和科学之外的参与表现出对科学有浓厚兴趣的大三学生. |
科学部门. |
露西Coran |
The University of Rochester awards a George Eastman Young Leaders 奖 在学校和社区表现出强大领导经验的大三学生, 在科学和其他研究领域的高分和具有挑战性的课程选择, and shown extensive involvement in extracurricular activities. |
科学部门. |
外祖母Dugan |
The University of Rochester awards a Frederick Douglass and Susan N. 安东尼奖 表彰致力于通过科学理解和解决困难的社会问题的大三学生, humanities and social sciences. Leadership and dedication to community action. |
科学部门. |
布鲁克Anacleto |
The Society Of Women Engineers awards Certificates of Merit to students who have excelled in both math and science during the past year. |
科学部门. |
Alysanne巴克利 |
帕特里夏·J. 马尔福德奖 成立于2014年,以纪念帕特里夏·马尔福德对科学系的贡献. 它是颁发给那些在科学课程中表现出热情和成就,并计划在某些科学领域从事职业的学生. |
科学部门. |
蕾娜道尔 |
The Sarah Knowles de Coizart Medal of Honor 成立于1992年,以感谢Sarah Knowles de Coizart对Knollwood的慷慨捐助, her childhood home, 并被授予用她的艺术天赋来丰富他人生活的学生. |
艺术部门. |
亚历山德拉布莱登带领一个 |
The Virginia and John Flagg 视觉艺术 奖 成立于2018年,并被授予在视觉艺术工作中取得卓越艺术成就的世界杯app软件推荐大四学生.The Virginia and John Flagg |
艺术部门. |
艾玛·杜蒙特 |
The Mabel Knowles Gage 奖 was established in 1995 by the Benard Family of Paris to honor Mrs. 盖奇杰出的慷慨精神,并被呈现给一个用她在音乐方面的能力丰富他人生活的学生. |
艺术部门. |
诺拉·菲茨杰拉德 |
The Prospero 剧院 奖 是颁发给对整个戏剧项目表现出奉献精神的学生吗, who has an awareness of the value of all aspects of the art, and who has shown a passion for and a dedication to theater and its magic. |
艺术部门. |
安东尼娅特 |
The Smith-Begun Leadership 奖 was established in 2010 to honor the memory of Sr. Mary Sharon Smith 和夫人. Kelly Begun, cherished guidance counselors at the Academy. 该奖项颁发给表现出忠诚的高年级学生, 完整性, 责任, and service to Notre Dame Academy. 这位大四学生以她对NDA社区的特殊奉献精神激励了其他人. |
指导/ 健康部门. |
Madeleine Langevin |
凯瑟琳A. 菲利普奖 was established in 2017 to honor Ms. Philipp’s 40 years of loving service to Notre Dame Academy and her students. 该奖项旨在表彰一位在她对世界杯app软件推荐社区使命的承诺中表现出非凡精神和精力的大四学生. |
学生会 |
Maryja Prytko |
Sr. Ann Morrison Student of Integrity 奖 was established in 2020 to honor Sr. 安四十年来对学院的奉献以及她对圣母大学学生的承诺. 该奖项授予那些一直表现出很强的学术努力和负责任的选择,帮助她实现个人最佳成绩的高年级学生. |
佐伊达文波特 |
The Alison Ling Pierce 奖 was established in 2000 by Mrs. Anna Ling Pierce in loving memory of her daughter Ali, 2000届毕业生, and is awarded to a senior who reflects Ali’s spirit of joyful courage. |
高级课程 |
艾拉布拉德肖 |
The Patricia Humes Memorial Scholarship was established in 1980 by Mr. 和夫人. Robert Humes in loving memory of their daughter Patty, 1981届毕业生, 并授予在世界杯app软件推荐学习三年的大三学生, has a strong academic record, 像帕蒂一样, shows dedication to the school. |
教师 |
外祖母Dugan |
The Foundress 奖 was established by the Mother's Guild in 1983 to honor a senior, chosen by her class, who best represents the spirit and tradition of St. Julie Billiart in faith, devotion, commitment, and kindness. |
高级课程 |
玛德琳凯 |